Digital Consciousness Betydningsdannelse poul goldschadt17 August 2017 Betydningsdannelse og læring ses i denne sammenhæng som en situeret aktivitet, hvor nye (slægt) deltagere erhverver...
Digital Phenomenology Memetic Lexicon poul goldschadt16 August 2017 Memetic Lexicon PRINCIPIA CYBERNETICA WEB – © – URL= Author: Glenn...
Digital Phenomenology Required Vocabulary poul goldschadt16 August 2017 Required Vocabulary Commands and concepts may seem totally foreign if you’ve never used any form of version...
Concept Design Magic Quadrants poul goldschadt9 August 2017 Summary Magic Quadrants offer visual snapshots, in-depth analyses and actionable advice that provide insight into a...
Digital Phenomenology SEO – definitions poul goldschadt8 June 2017 SEO stands for “search engine optimization.” It is the process of getting traffic from the “free,”...
Concept Design Tekst og Musik poul goldschadt5 June 2017 Tekst og musik: 1998 Down by the River they'd found a body oozing life They're asking everybody "Was is Mac The...
Concept Design Product Landing Pages poul goldschadt25 May 2017 Use these to describe the benefits of your product, show off your killer photos or videos, and convert sales with...